
Silvia Diazgranados, Robert L. Selman MD. Acts of Social Perspective Taking: A Functional Construct and the Validation of a Performance Measure for Early Adolescents. Social Development. 2105;00.Abstract

An article on two studies designed to assess how early adolescents use their social perspective taking skills in consideration of their social problems.

Natalia Ronderos, Chris Spetzler MG. Informing Your Future (Informando tu Futuro).; 2016.Abstract

A career exploration curriculum for students in higher education

Courtesy of: Maria Figueroa (Universidad Externado de Colombia)

Park RKE. Preparing Students for South Korea's Creative Economy: The Success and Challenges of Educational Reform. Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. 2016. Publisher's VersionAbstract

An extensive field study in South Korea (interviewing policymakers, personnel in tech/startups, students, teachers, etc.) to study how the country is preparing students for the creative economy (through something called the free semester program and computer science education).

Bellei C. School improvement trajectories: an empirical typology. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 2015 :1-18.Abstract

This paper is based on a multiple case study of schools which have been identified as improving their performance for about a decade. We proposed different criteria by which to characterize and study these improvement processes and, by applying them to our sample, we elaborated a typology of school improvement trajectories: we identified 4 different trajectories of school improvement. We called the first type restricted improvement because at its center is the management of processes that mainly target academic achievement tests; the second is incipient improvement, which is based on changes that restructure the school processes; the third identified trajectory are cases where school improvement is moving toward institutionalization, while the last are those cases where improvement has been already institutionalized and the schools have achieved high levels of educational effectiveness. We identified challenges that schools face at different stages of school improvement and discussed some related policy issues. 

Darling-Hammond L, Adamson F. Beyond Basic Skills: The Role of Performance Assessment in Achieving 21st Century Standards of Learning. Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education. 2012. beyond-basic-skills-role-performance-assessment-achieving-21st-century-standards-learning-report_0.pdf
Amabile T. Growing Up Creative: Nurturing a Lifetime of Creativity. Creative Education Foundation. 2012. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Based on almost 15 years of research with hundreds of children, Growing Up Creative answers the questions parents and teachers ask most frequently: What is Creativity? How is it different from talent or intelligence? And why is it so important? Growing Up Creative is filled with dozens of concrete, hands-on exercises and techniques that can help a parent or teacher keep creativity alive at home and at school.

Monitoring and Evaluation Life Skills for Youth Development, Volume 2: The Toolkit. Jacobs Foundation; 2011.Abstract


A practical hands-on toolkit for monitoring and evaluating the development and acquisition of life skills in youth development programs.


Courtesy of: Simon Sommer (Jacobs Foundation)



Monitoring and Evaluation Life Skills for Youth Development, Volume 1: The Guidelines. Jacobs Foundation; 2011.Abstract


A set of guidelines meant to facilitate an understanding of what life skills are and their importance for children and youth development; also included are practical guidelines for monitoring and evaluating the acquisition and development of these skills.

Courtesy of: Simon Sommer (Jacobs Foundation)



J Shemwell, A Fu FDSMRR. Assessment in Schools – Secondary Science. International Encyclopedia of Education. 2010;3 :300-310.Abstract

An encyclopedia article that presents different measures of science learning, including performance tasks.

Courtesy of: Maria Figueroa (Universidad Externado de Colombia)



Cohen JE, Malin MB, Reimers F. International perspectives on the goals of universal basic and secondary education. Routledge Press. 2010. reimers_2010_chap4.pdf
Angela Lee Duckworth PDQ. Development and Validation of the Short Grit Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2009;91 (2) :166-174.Abstract


An article regarding the development and validation of the Grit Scale

Courtesy of: Maria Figueroa (Universidad Externado de Colombia)


